Surviving the Drought and More …

The fall season brings a slower pace, with hope for highly needed rain

bobcatstevehannonDespite the recent rain and the welcome snow that fell in the high country, three years of overall dry weather conditions continue to stress the conifer forests of the region and many species of wildlife. Some giant trees that survived for centuries have now succumbed. For many young seedlings struggling to survive past their first year in the vast Rim Fire area, the need for adequate, soaking precipitation this fall is critically high.

But beyond the drought, there are other important challenges, opportunities, and issues affecting the complex ecosystem of this vast region. In this newsletter we feature a number of current conservation topics that can help you get “up to speed” on what’s happening and how you can help shape the outcome of key plans.

We also feature our new CSERC wildlife photo contest with cash prizes (and how we’ll use the pictures in our educational programs). Bobcat photo, courtesy Steve Hannon.

Posted in Fall 2014.