Camping Correct

Clean Campsite

Yes, you got it right!

The best way for Brenda & Julia to deal with their trash is to take it with them when they leave and throw it away in a trash can.


Packing the trash out and throwing it away later will ensure that the campsite is left clean for the next people who use it. It also ensures that the trash won’t get eaten by wildlife or pollute a nearby stream or lake.

Why shouldn’t Brenda and Julia burn or bury the trash?



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Burning plastic trash can release toxic fumes into the atmosphere, and lots of times burned trash (like foils, food, paper, and plastic) doesn’t burn all the way, still attracting wildlife and leaving a mess.


Even though the campsite would appear clean if Brenda and Julia buried their trash, the trash could be dug up by wildlife and strewn about the area. Even if the trash remains buried, it could take many years to break down into soil.